Carbon Projects
+12 years of experience developing carbon projects in Colombia and Panamá, we specialize in carbon credits sales for companies, unions and associations.
We focus on
Nature Based Solutions

Carbon projects development steps

We are experts in the development of Carbon Projects in all sectors of the country and in the commercialisation of carbon credits for companies, guilds or associations.
By clicking on each of our services you will be able to see the location where we have worked.

Our REDD+ projects
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation
We have developed 7 REDD+ projects in Latin America, among them: PAZcífico, PAZcífico Sur, Emberá Wounaan, Awia Tuparro +9, and Esteros & Manglares.
It is located in the departments of Nariño and Cauca. It includes the municipalities of: Magüí (Payán), Santa Bárbara (Iscuandé, La Tola, El Charco & Guapí).
The PAZcífico REDD+ project works in collaboration with the Agroimpulso Foundation and the community councils of Unicosta, Prodefensa del Río Tapaje, Guapi Abajo & Cuenca del Río Iscuande in order to improve their natural, social and cultural assets in their jurisdiction through conservation and natural forest protection activities. This is based on a participatory and autonomous approach.
This community building will contribute to national greenhouse gas reduction targets and improve livelihood practices implemented in territory, with the objective of reducing environmental impact, deforestation, degradation, and fostering community forest management.
In addition, the project seeks to generate positive externalities on biodiversity and the community`s socio-economic environment, through connectivity between areas, resource flow and new production alternatives design aligned with conservation, forest management and mangrove protection.

Located in the department of Nariño, in the municipalities of: Barbacoas, El Charco, La Tola, Magüi, Olaya Herrera, Roberto Payá & San Andrés de Tumaco.
The REDD+ PAZcífico Sur project is an initiative developed in 18 Afro-descendant communities, with the support of the Agroimpulso Foundation. The objective is to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation by 371.749 hectares over 20 years through activities to conserve, enhance and increase carbon sinks.
Social, economic, cultural and ecological improvement is an important factor in achieving these goals, linking positive actions that contribute to community empowerment, capacity building and a sense of ownership of natural resources.

Located in the Darien Province in Panamá, it includes 41 communities with approximately 10k inhabitants and +430k hectares.
The Emberá Wounaan REDD+ project seeks to create governance, culture and society, sustainable economic development and environmental conservation, improving social, economic and ecological capital. Governance and resource management involves capacity building and governance structures design, including management transparency and learned leadership.
Activities such as planning and foresight help recognise culture and social dynamics and help design strategies related to the preservation of ancestral knowledge. In addition, it will support agricultural production models and production chains. Finally, the REDD+ project offers REDD+, safeguards, conservation and sustainable forest management (SFM) training and identification of areas for reforestation and restoration.

Located in the departments of Vichada, Casanare & Guainía.
The Awia Tuparro +9 project is implemented with eight indigenous communities that live in the (Minitas Mirolindo, Chigüiro, Carpintero Palomas, Egua Guariacana, Nacuañedorro Tuparro, Awia Tuparro, Aliwa Cupepe and Piaroa de Cachicamo) reserves, located in the Amazon and Orinoquia regions of Colombia, with a total area of 450,562.01 hectares.
Its main objective is to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation through sustainable forest development, in order to have a positive impact on communities that have achieved strategic ecosystems conservation such as the tropical rainforest, temporary or permanent wetlands and floodable savannahs. This is achieved by identifying the needs of each reserve according to the strategic lines of governance, sense of belonging, sustainable economic development, conservation and environment, culture and society. The project focuses on strengthening community links with the land and its resources.

Our AR projects: Reforestation
17 Umbrella Projects (Clusters of reforesters):

Developing carbon projects, we contribute to achieve Colombia`s SDG targets.

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