Calculate your carbon footprint and commence mitigating your environmental impact by offsetting your emissions towards the planet’s well-being
Transform your brand into a sustainable company by obtaining the Sello de Moda Sostenible, and demonstrating your commitment to the planet.
CO2CERO and CLAUDIA BAHAMÓN are proud to present the Sello de Moda Sostenible, a voluntary environmental label awarded to products, companies, organizations or services that show their dedication to the planet.
The (SMS) will allow consumers to recognize that sustainability is one of the fundamental pillars of the entity from which they buy.
Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond the sourcing of materials; therefore, we certify three key factors of responsible production: environmental, social and economic practices.
Categories of the Sello de Moda Sostenible
Companies with the Label in Category
Companies with the Label in Category
Our mission is to create a world where people can consciously select the fashion they wear and choose their own style.
By obtaining the Label, companies or products will enhance their visibility in the market by showcasing their dedication to mitigating climate change and their contribution towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).